Geely-sponsored supersonic "Hound Bloodhound" will runway test in October

According to foreign media reports, the British Bloodhound supersonic car invested by Geely will conduct a road test on October 26 under the public’s witness. By then, the pilot of the former Royal Air Force pilot, Andy Green, will be responsible for driving, and the South African desert record-breaking tour will be completed by the end of next year.

It was learnt that the test of Bloodhound on October 26th will be carried out at Newquay Cornwall in the UK. It will ride at a speed of up to 200mph (322km/h) on a 1.7-mile (2.7-km) runway. .

Before the trial run in October, the car will need to undergo a series of static “tethering” tests, which will be locked on the ground and the assessment of air intake, fuel systems, and power systems will begin.

If everything is working properly, Bloodhound will perform system assessments such as steering, braking, suspension, and data on the airstrip. For Greene, he will have the opportunity to experience the noise and vibration that he will experience next year and familiarize himself with operating procedures, safety protocols and radio communications.

Since the October trial run took place on the runway in Cornwall, the car will use tires from the English Electric Lightning combat aircraft, which will be wider than the aluminum wheels used in South Africa next year. For this reason, the team moved. In addition to some of the carbon fiber body parts to adapt to this change.

Project leader Richard Noble said that the runway test at Newquay Cornwall will be the biggest milestone the project has ever achieved, and it will be able to provide them with important performance data about the car and allow them to have one time before trying to break records. Practice opportunities.

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