Salesman wants to get rid of six bad habits

There is such a fable story:

After the death of a rich man without his heir, he gave his large inheritance to a relative in a distant room. This relative was a perpetual beggar who made a living by begging. This squatter who inherited the inheritance immediately became a multimillionaire and became a multimillionaire. The journalist interviewed this lucky man: "After you inherited the inheritance, what was the first thing you wanted to do?" He replied, "I want to buy a better bowl and a solid stick. It will be more convenient for me to go out and ask for food later."

Visible habits affect our thinking, affect our behavior, affect our work effectiveness, and influence our success or failure.

Just as I didn't know what the sage sages said: “Sow an action and harvest a habit; sow a habit and gain a character; sow a character and gain a fate.”

Good habits make a lifetime career, bad habits will affect one's life. Changing bad habits will make you a brand new person and will greatly help your future career.

I have seen many salespersons have some bad habits. For example, when they like to drink, they get drunk when they get drunk, they like to play cards, they have to bet for a dozen, and if they like KTV, they will lose their guts when they get to the box. Can speak, articulate, rush to talk, unobtrusive, like to say bad things about competitors; like to sleep late, do not eat breakfast; sitting indecent, tilting his legs, looking around and so on these bad habits will affect the development of the business and its own growth.

As a salesman to change which bad habits? The author believes that first of all, we must get rid of bad habits in the following areas:

First, get rid of the habit of "market" Xiao Li is a sales manager of a company in Guangdong tissue paper. He told me that he would be in the public interest in the monthly regular meeting or to call him to speak in public. His hands sweat, his heart beats faster, and his eyes don't Dare to see people, blood straight to the forehead, people suddenly do not know what to say. If you want to say anything, you don't know where to go!

The same manager named Chen is a KA manager and he is still nervous when he visits the store. There are always omissions in doing homework, always forgetting some of the words are not finished. Originally wanted to negotiate with a smile, who knew that he would not be able to calm down when he sat down in the negotiation room. Whatever he should talk about, he said a lot.

Over time, these two managers have formed the habit of the market. But in the normal exchanges, these two managers are always talkative if they are not formal occasions. They are both logical and humorous. But why would they be paralyzed and they wouldn’t quite understand it themselves?

In fact, the market is a normal phenomenon, and everyone will have, even the host or the actor, has just appeared in the market for 5 minutes. This bad habit can be overcome and it can be corrected. How to overcome? There are probably two strategies:

1. The mentality of the strategy is higher: Do not be afraid of the audience and treat the audience as your subordinates. They are waiting for you to teach.

There is no self-mind in my mind: Do not treat yourself too much. It does not matter if you say something wrong. If you say something wrong, you will not have any problems.

Diluting the results of the mentality: Do not put too much weight on the results, and the results will not give you any unnecessary trouble.

Imagine a good state of mind: Imagine you did a good job in public speaking. Imagine you are chatting with a group of friends. Imagine that you are helping the audience, imagine the good things of the past, and imagine your listeners are listening, smiling, and applauding!

2, practical and advanced strategies:

The best preparation: The more you prepare, the more confident you will be. The biggest enemy in the market is not confident.

Participate in speech training: Regular presentations can make perfect happen.

Write poetry, write speeches, sing, recite, and tell stories: Regular singing and storytelling will make your speech smoother. Voicing, speaking speed will become more appropriate.

Arriving at the venue in advance: living in a psychological advantage will not panic.

Get familiar with your speech: This brings you the effect of solving the problem without taking care of it.

Scribble your speech draft before the speech: Proficient in remembering the outline and the summary.

Drink salt water: Physiologically solve the fear of being speechless because of dry mouth, and improve the courage.

Look at the audience’s friendly vision: Let the audience be grateful for you and communicate with their eyes with passion.

Out loud: Good opening can bring good results.

Second, change the habit of unobstructed habitual salesman is a group of people who are able to speak and speak, and are very infectious. Some clerk often tells the secrets of some customers or the company without knowing the time limit under the mild vision and enthusiasm of others. Sometimes it reveals the privacy of some other clerk.

Being able to speak candidly is a virtue, but it is sad to speak without words. Of course, it is not to call you a man to have Ayutthaya, but it cannot be annoying because you can not offend people because they have no cover.

Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li are very good university classmates. Xiao Zhang is very talkative, Xiao Li is more reticent, but his character is more awkward. Xiao Zhang is one year older than Xiao Li and they are always brothers. In 2001, they both joined a household paper company as a salesman. In 2004, they both got married. Soon after he got married, Li found that his wife was inconsistent with his personality and often quarreled. Every time the quarrel was Xiao Zhang to persuade him.

Once, Xiao Zhang chatted with the dealer. The dealer asked Xiao Li. Xiao Zhang put Xiao Li and him on how to get from university to brother and the like. He also said that the two husbands and sisters often quarreled. The matter was inadvertently said, and said that every quarrel was his advice. Later, these words were passed to Xiaoli's ear. Xiao Li heard the fire and said nothing. When he found Zhang, he was beaten. Moreover, since then, they have become strangers and no longer come and go. Xiao Zhang then realized that because of his own covert disaster! regret but too late!

The way to get rid of obscureness is to use a laptop to plan well every time you want to talk to your customers and outline the outline. The talk must be thorough and should not be said. The speeches at the conference must also be discussed in terms of topics and themes. There should be no sentence in the east, no purpose, and no targeted talk. Normal chat should also pay attention to become "thematic", try not to talk about human rights.

Third, it is a very bad habit to break the habit of interrupting others and interrupt others. It is a civilized behavior that a person with moral cultivation should have to listen patiently to other people's words and not to interrupt other people's speech or insert his mouth. Listening as a clerk is more important than talking. It can understand the other person’s thoughts and understand what the other person wants to say. As long as you listen carefully to the other person, the other person thinks that you respect him.

People who like to interrupt someone's speech are generally those who are anxious, or are impatient and those who like to be provocative. To correct such shortcomings, we must first make up our mind to start listening to the society, do not scream at the time of listening, learn to nod and say, or learn to ask more.

Second, when others speak, try to use it as a learning opportunity and keep some key words in mind. Again, if you say something before you ask someone else to finish, don’t wait until someone else has finished speaking to you. After such repeated practice for a period of time, you will slowly correct this interrupting habit.

Fourth, get rid of the habit of not planning work Many salespersons who have not spent time in foreign companies and large companies are more casual and lack of a plan. Planned work is the beginning of a statutory and normative work; without a plan, it is tantamount to fighting unpreparedness and rushing when it is urgent.

Many people think that the salesman's work does not require planning, because business work is difficult to plan, there are many sales content is temporary, and this has caused many domestic business staff in the work without an excuse for planning. Over time, the clerk had no plan to work, but also formed bad habits that did not follow the plan.

How to get rid of this bad habit? The author believes that starting from the establishment of the daily work schedule, according to 123,456 work listed, first focus on the normal sequence of work. In the evening, check whether it is implemented according to the work schedule and then work out the next day work plan. The second step is to list the key work schedule for the week and the monthly key work schedule. But we must insist on doing things according to plan. It may not be a habit at the beginning, but after three months of mandatory implementation, I believe you will develop a good habit of acting and thinking according to plan!

Fifth, to get rid of the habit of sleeping late and skipping breakfast The salesman has a lot of entertainment, he is not working regularly, and there is no way to get up and eat breakfast on time. In fact, this is an excuse. In the sales work of more than ten years, the author did not skip breakfast for almost a few days, and it was very rare to be late.

Why do I feel that sleeping late and skipping breakfast are bad habits? In fact, the people who sleep late and do not eat breakfast are the first to not be punctual for work and have a weak sense of responsibility for the work; at the same time, they can also see the dedication of these salesmen to the work because they are not concerned about their own bodies. , not to mention work? The second is not eating bar meals will affect their own body, why so many sales staff have stomach problems? In fact, there is a close relationship with the bad habit of not eating breakfast. The third is that people who do not eat breakfast often affect the results of their work. Hungry is not as spirited and hard-working.

To get rid of this bad habit, you must sleep as early as possible at night, get up at 7:00, and it's best to exercise after getting up, wash a bath conditionally, so that the body's nerves from the head to the feet uplifted. Then eat breakfast and go to work. After one or two months of insistence, you will feel that this habit will bring you endless power! Work efficiency will immediately show up.

A dealer in Meizhou, Guangdong Province and a successful salesman in Shenzhen told me that this method is very good for the work. They are passionate about their work for ten years.

Six, change the habit of casually I often see some salesman in the conversation, sitting, walking, dressed casually, not enough seriously. In fact, these are some bad habits that should not have been.

When the Chinese met in the past, they all had a habit of greeting each other. I remember that when I was still in primary school, I once greeted him politely at a public toilet in a public toilet: “Dougong, have you eaten?” He blinked and answered me: “It's your turn now. "I know I'm wrong. Since then, I know that I can't talk casually, and I can't speak on occasions.

Sitting posture is often an important ceremonial aspect that is neglected by salespersons.

In fact, sitting can reflect the degree of civilization of a person. For example, some people sit politely at the time of seating to sit first and indicate to the person that they are seated. After the explanation, they only leave the seat and move slowly away from the seat, leaving the seat without affecting others. This is a manifestation of civilization, politeness and self-cultivation. On the other hand, if you sit on your chair with your legs spread apart and your legs are shaking on the ground, look around, or take your feet off your shoes. You must think that he is impolite to such a person, and such people are certainly not liked.

Dressing is the cultivation details that modern people should pay attention to, especially the dress of the salesman, which can better reflect the internal quality and image of the salesman. The importance of the clerk's dressing up, I believe many salesmen are clear, but may not know about their professional knowledge. Such as clothes and ties, belts, shoes and socks on the matching problem. I have seen many salesmen wear black shoes with white socks, brown shoes with black suits, and other people's wedding banquets wearing black and white shirts.

Of course, the clerk's appearance, instrumentation, posture, behavior, and language are not casual, and they all have certain emphasis. When you can take these details seriously, I believe you are serious and responsible for your work.

Unhealthy habits are often due to the fact that they usually do not care much about what they want and they develop them. To correct these habits, you must start from the usual bits and pieces and start with insignificant behavior and thinking. For example, every day dress can not be sloppy at any time, you must do to pay attention to the same image as to visit the boss or to the interview, leaving a good impression on others.

To get rid of bad habits, you need to persevere. You must also say to the ancients: “Be careful and be independent.” You can't relax your requirements at all times. Only in this way can you develop some good habits that will provide you with good growth and success. The basis of personality quality.

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