[God has tricks] Tencent video TV pay movies, take you to see for free!

No time to go to the theater to watch movies, miss a lot of wonderful swollen what to do? ! ! !
Want to ultra-clear picture quality, play smoothly, watch the latest popular movies for free, think of non-Tencent video TV is none other than!
In a nutshell, the landlord stared at Tencent's video TV version for a long time, but the damn need to open cinema members to see these movie landlord is not satisfied!

Don't worry now! The following is the way the landlord accidentally found in Tencent video TV free to watch pay movies!

"Charlotte Worries" 1080P

"I am a witness" 1080P

The Nine Demon Tower 1080P

"Disc 5" 1080P

The method is very simple, reply can see:

First of all, you need a sofa butler to download the latest version of Tencent video TV

The landlord has shared the new installation package to the network disk, download address: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bovUgwf

Then pull out your mobile phone, follow the "Penguin TV" and visit, and click on the right-most member.

If you don’t see it, enter your QQ number and you’ll be able to collect members. Although only 7 days, but want to see the movie is enough to see haha!

Finally, open the latest version of Tencent video TV, login QQ number, and check the status of the account.

Already a member opened state hahahaha!

This method requires the latest version of the sofa butler to download

Tencent video TV version:
Download address: http://app.shafa.com/apk/tengxunshipin.html